Join us for fun events
that bring you closer to art,
artists, community,
and creativity!
Cheers to 10 Years!
Saturday, January 11th, 2024
12:30pm - 3:30pm
We started our journey
in December 2014,
& here we are today!
Ten years later,
and we're still going strong!
Hip Hip Hooray!
We've built a vibrant hub
or the Austin art scene.
Here, we curate
Austin Artists’ work
in the exhibitions
and artisan market,
showcasing and selling their work,
while art lovers
and collectors can discover
and support Austin Artists.
We have worked with hundreds
of Austin Artists,
put on a variety of events,
and made a positive impact
in the Austin Art community.
We couldn't have done it without
the support of our amazing community!
Let's raise a glass (or mocktail!)
to ten years of creativity, community,
and success!
Join us on Saturday, January 11th,
to celebrate our journey
& kick off the New Year
with a CHEERS!
Sip on mocktails,
enjoy the creativity of our Austin artists,
& celebrate our journey
and the New Year!
THANK YOU to all of the artists,
art lovers, and art collectors
that have been a part of our journey!
Onward & Upward!
Our first ever...
An art scavenger hunt!
Put the 10th of August 2024
on your calendar for fun!
We'll have bingo cards with art clues
that will bring you on a journey throughout
Art for the People Gallery,
Good Dad Studios,
Austin Mystical Market!
Return the completed bingo card
to Art for the People Gallery
& receive prizes
that are handcrafted by Austin artists.
Have an Art Adventure
that you can share
with friends and family!